We aim to provide our SSAS clients with as much flexibility as possible whilst ensuring compliance with all the relevant HMRC, regulatory and statutory requirements.
SSASs are no longer required to have a professional trustee and, rather than being appointed as a trustee, Vintage SSAS Services acts as the HMRC-authorised Scheme Practitioner and provides all the support services that SSAS trustees need to operate their pension scheme efficiently and compliantly. In this way, we create more flexibility for our SSAS clients than most other SSAS practitioners.
Each SSAS needs its own bank account and we usually set up SSAS bank accounts with Cater Allen Private Bank (part of the Santander Group). This allows our clients to benefit from the specialist SSAS banking services for which Cater Allen has been renowned for many years. Cater Allen has its own banking licence and is covered by the Financial Services Compensation Scheme. As a co-signatory to our SSAS clients’ bank accounts, we monitor each scheme’s financial activity and ensure that it operates in accordance with all relevant requirements.

All interest paid by Cater Allen is credited to the scheme’s bank account and Vintage SSAS Services does not receive any form of commission from Cater Allen.